Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The Theory of Relativity

When I was studying Physics and while thumbing through the book, I came to the topic "Theory of Relativity", and suddenly something struck my mind and leaving the notes apart, with very care I got up from my bed and went to pull my laptop out of the bag kept at a distance. You might be wondering why I wrote "with very care"..well I met with an accident and injured my left foot. Anyways back to business, but I assure you one thing that this article has nothing to do with Physics.
              I gave my first year practicals sometimes back and when people asked me "How were the practicals?" I answered- yes, they were fine. Because we need not worry..courtesy of "RELATIVE MARKING". Relative marking as in we would be marked on the basis of our theory paper and believe you me, this fact is so relieving because we (including you all) never do practicals seriously. We either copy the readings or manipulate them or even leave a few..who cares?? I left 3 practicals in the first semester. Not a big issue..right? And conceive of the same situation when you were in school and you did not complete all the practicals..there would be a fear inside and could be found petitioning the lab-in-charge to let you in and do all sorts of work. And here in college "Paradigm Shift" happens so drastically, you rarely pay heed to the fact that it's even a practical day.
           Well coming back to relative marking, it says that the marks for practical will be taken care of if you do well in theory and what's the guarantee of performing well in that? We think that since we got a lot of time(which is actually not "a lot"), we would perform well, but that is contingent upon the way we utilize our time.
So, lets redefine "THEORY OF RELATIVITY" :
1) The laws of a "practical lab" are uniformly broken in every college.
2) The speed with which we people leave the laboratory is never equal to the speed with which we enter.

DISCLAIMER: This is what happens generally, in almost all the technical colleges and here is the perception of the students about this, however, having a practical knowledge in a true manner makes you a technocrat..

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